在细胞生物学研究中,荧光蛋白几乎无处不在,因此科学家对它的改造也在层层升级。eGFP应该是大家最熟悉的一种增强型变异体,与野生型的GFP相比,亮度更强,光稳定性更好。然而,科学的探索是永无止境的,研究人员还在寻觅更好的荧光蛋白。这不,德国慕尼黑大学的Ulrich Rothbauer和他的同事就另辟蹊径,采用一种独特的方法来改变GFP的特性。文章发表在近期的《Nature Structural & Molecular Biology》上。
Figure 1 Identification of nanobodies modulating the fluorescence of GFP. (a) Fluorescence in vitro binding assay. Titration of seven unique GFP binding proteins (GBP1–7) from 0–50 nM on 50 nM purified wtGFP. The fluorescence signal intensity of wtGFP was quantified using a laser scanner. (b) Minimizer can be displaced by Enhancer but not vice versa. Upper row, GFP was either mock incubated or incubated with equimolar amounts of Enhancer, or Enhancer was added followed immediately (5–15 s) by equimolar amounts of Minimizer. Lower row, same experimental setup as above but with Minimizer being added first. GFP emission was detected as described for a. (c) Quantification of GFP fluorescence as shown in b. The order of addition of Enhancer or Minimizer is indicated by numbers 1 and 2. Means and s.d. (error bars) of three independent experiments are shown.
Structures of the GFP–nanobody complexes. (a–d) Enhancer (a; light blue ribbon model) and Minimizer (c) (orange ribbon model) recognize two different nonlinear epitopes on the surface of the GFP â-can (green ribbon model). The insets in a and c show details of the binding sites with selected residues and the GFP chromophore (Cro66GFP) highlighted as sticks. The chromophore environments for the GFP–Enhancer (b) and GFP–Minimizer complexes (d), respectively, are superimposed with 2Fo − Fc density maps (contoured at 1.0ó). Two alternative conformations of R168GFP are marked with * and **. Nanobody residues numbered as previously described19; in Minimizer, the 15 residues corresponding to position 100 are labeled a-o.
Kirchhofer, A. et al. Modulation of protein properties in living cells using nanobodies. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 17, 133–138 (2009).